Admission Requirements
As A Private School
Denver Christian Academy focuses on the spiritual, social, and physical development of each student. Because of this, we make sure emotional and cognitive development aligns with character, intellectual ability, and emotional maturity. At DCA we make every effort to nurture these areas because we know they are essential premises for each student as they explore, learn and prepare for their future. Prospective students are accepted for enrollment on the basis of previous academic records, recommendations and student/parent visitation.
Parents Who Enroll Their Children
Parents who enroll their children at Denver Christian Academy desire an exceptional education taught from a biblical worldview in a solid Christian environment. The process of enrollment prior to final acceptance includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Students are accepted on a space available basis in the following order:
To ensure a successful learning environment for all students, it is essential that all students and parents accept, support and follow the standards and policies of DCA. Admission may be denied if it is determined that the student will unlikely be able to adapt to the standards and policies, or that the school is unable to service the needs of the student.
Spiritual Considerations
Behavioral Considerations
Academic Considerations
Personal Considerations
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
The following are expectations of all Denver Christian Academy students:
Provisional Enrollment
All students, whether new or re-enrolling, remain on provisional status for one full semester. If during this provisional period it is determined by the Principal that the student, for whatever reason, has not been able to adapt to DCA’s environment, the enrollment may be terminated. The new student provisional period may be extended for another semester by the Principal at the recommendation of the teachers/Leadership Team. Students (new or current) failing any class may be placed on Academic Probation or asked to leave Denver Christian Academy.
Disciplinary Review
Suspension or expulsion from another school in the two semesters prior to the date of application may prevent a potential student from acceptance to DCA. Individual circumstances may be considered by the Principal/Leadership Team. After review, the Principal/Leadership Team may deem the potential student’s acceptance on permanent Behavioral Probation. A student that is not accepted may reapply when he or she can demonstrate adequate behavioral improvement that aligns with DCA’s code of conduct.