DCA Tuition Assistance Program
What is DCA TAP?
DCA TAP is Denver Christian Academy's Tuition Assistance Program.
You purchase gift cards through Great Lake Scrip. Each gift card comes with a rebate and that rebate is applied towards your family's account at DCA. All you have to do is fill out the Enrollment Form below, pay the $8 enrollment fee, and you will receive an invitation to join RaiseRight and set up your account. This is your very own fundraiser! Anyone can sign up and designate your family's account. If you have any questions, please contact Chrissy Manicone at cmanicone@denverchristianacademy.com
Do I need to fill out an enrollment form each school year?
Yes, DCA TAP participants must complete an enrollment form each school year and pay an annual enrollment fee of $8. This helps cover the expenses related to the DCA TAP program, primarily shipping costs.
How can I use DCA TAP credits?
TAP credits may be applied to Preschool and K-12 family tuition accounts and enrollment.
How and when do I pay for my order?
You must pay through RaiseRight with a credit card or by linking a bank account. We do not accept checks or cash for orders.
When will my tuition credits be applied?
Rebates received through DCA TAP will be applied as tuition credits to a designated family account and may only be applied to tuition and/or enrollment fees and only TWICE per year. Rebates will be accumulated and credited in December, and again in April.
Funds can be designated to your family account, another family account you have chosen, the General Tuition Assistance Fund or to the DCA PTF.
How do I place my order?
You must place your orders online at www.raiseright.com (or using the app), where you will set up a family account using the DCA enrollment code or emailed invitation. Please email Chrissy Manicone (cmanicone@denverchristianacademy.com) with questions.
When and where do I pick up gift cards shipped to the school?
Orders placed by the 1st of the month will be available for pick-up by the 15th of the month. Orders placed by the 15th of the month will be available for pick up by the last day of the month. You may pick up the cards in the DCA Main Office on Thursdays from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. You may choose to have them sent home with your student but will be responsible if they are lost or stolen.
Is the DCA TAP program available year-round?
TAP is a year-round program. During the summer months, orders are placed twice per month as well.
Who can participate?
The great thing about DCA TAP is that anyone can participate to earn tuition credits toward a family account. This includes DCA parents, grandparents, relatives, friends and neighbors!